Hi there! I’m Lijana, a passionate and internationally established Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) practitioner and clinical hypnotherapist. I am thrilled to connect with you on this journey to a better and healthier you, no matter where you are in the world.

My unique path led me from a decade of teaching university students and executives in the vibrant city of London to discovering the profound potential of the human mind. During this time I recognized the immense power of the mind – it can either become our greatest ally in achieving and thriving or a significant obstacle if we’re not in charge of it.

Driven by a curiosity to understand how the human mind works, I discovered RTT. This method completely fascinated me with its ability to get straight to the root cause of the most complex issues that many other therapies struggle with. It is a practical, revolutionary, and life-changing therapy known for delivering rapid, effective results even for the most complex of challenges.

The power of RTT lies in its ability to access the subconscious mind, where our deepest beliefs and patterns reside. Our conscious mind has its limits, but the subconscious is incredibly powerful. By getting to the root cause of issues, RTT helps us understand why we are the way we are – a level of understanding which is very difficult to understand just by talking on a conscious level alone.

The positive impact of RTT resonated deeply with me.

It got me through tough times of anxiety and not being able to sleep when other methods weren’t working. It also got me back to eating healthy naturally, so I could wear my favourite clothes and feel confident in my body again. Moreover, it enabled me to conquer procrastination, clearing the path for me to pursue my goals and live authentically.

This whole experience opened my heart and mind to a newfound purpose: to help individuals like you overcome suffering and pain effectively and rapidly. Today, I feel happy and incredibly fulfilled knowing that I can make a genuine difference in people’s lives.

Life can be overwhelming, and I want you to know that you are not alone on this path. I genuinely understand the challenges you may face in your pursuit of health and happiness.

I’m not just an expert in my field; I am also a companion on your path to self-improvement. If you’re ready to take that first step towards positive change, I’m here to support you. Together, we will begin a journey of healing and growth.

Let’s create a future filled with joy, vitality, and fulfilment. Wherever you are in the world, reach out to me, and let’s start this incredible journey together!

With love and excitement,


I facilitate sessions worldwide via Zoom.

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