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Break Free From Smoking For Good


Are you tired of trying to quit smoking but you haven’t succeeded yet?

Do you feel stuck in a cycle of reducing cigarettes, relying on willpower, nicotine patches, and medications or even talk therapy without success?

Or maybe it’s your first time trying to quit and doubt is creeping in? Are you scared of quitting because of possible withdrawal symptoms?


You are well aware of the harm smoking causes to yourself and loved ones around you – health issues, ageing, financial strain, and diminished wellbeing. Yet, breaking free from smoking seems too overwhelming.


It’s not your fault.

Most methods do not bring long-term results, because they only touch the surface, without addressing the issue on the subconscious level.

I’ve helped a number of women to quit smoking for good, swiftly and effectively, by reprogramming the subconscious mind. Because true change is driven by the subconscious.


Imagine saying ‘no’ effortlessly to cigarettes, feeling indifferent when you are offered a cigarette and never feeling the urge to smoke! 

Imagine vibrant health, feeling proud and the joy of a smoke-free life.

Your lungs feel light, your teeth and gums are healthy and your skin looks radiant. You feel physically healthy and vital, proud, and you enjoy living with a better quality of life.

You CAN quit without worrying about:

  • Increased appetite
  • Weight gain
  • Irritability
  • Focus difficulties


Don’t let cigarettes dictate your life’s course!

Start your journey to genuine freedom and lasting wellbeing and take a step towards a healthier, happier you.

Ready to quit in one session? Schedule a call with me here.


Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Book a clarity call to tailor the best plan for you

Step 2: Begin your journey into quitting smoking once and for all

Step 3: Experience the transformation of a healthier, more confident you


I facilitate sessions worldwide via Zoom.


What Clients Say


Mariam from California, USA 

Lijana was so warm and compassionate in her approach; she made me feel comfortable and safe. I experienced a powerful transformation and release during my session with her. She was great at guiding me to hypnosis, she took her time and I was very happy with the results. From the first time I met her she gave me that sense of hope, like something’s about to change in my life. She was so good at explaining the process of stopping my addiction (which was smoking) and how the brain works and I am happy to say that Lijana was the perfect person to guide me through my quitting smoking journey! I definitely recommend her, she is very genuine and sincerely cares about her client. I have been able to quit smoking during my treatment with her and still am free of smoking.