7 Best Self Care Tips For Your New Year’s Resolutions List


If you are thinking what you should put on your resolution list this year, how about including little self-care rituals? Self care means looking after your body, mind and spirit, something we often forget. Discover here the 7 best self care tips to put on your New Year’s resolutions list to care for yourself during the year to come.

Simple, but powerful self care tips in a long run, boost your emotional, physical & mental health.

What Are The 7 Best New Year’s Self Care Tips?

1. First Thing Warm Water

To awaken your body in the morning have a warm glass of water on your empty stomach. It cleanses your body, improves your skin and soothes nerves (good for those often experiencing stress and anxiety). For a better detox effect squeeze in some fresh lemon juice (not more than half a lemon).

2. Clean Your Tongue

We clean our teeth, but forget our tongue. Your tongue accumulates lots of bacteria overnight which is bad for you. Therefore use a tongue scraper in the mornings to clean your tongue and remove the bacteria. It is common practise in Ayurvedic medicine to reduce bad breath and improve your overall health. 

3. Don’t Forget To Breathe

Introduce alternative nostril breathing in to your routine. Once or twice a day. It is very calming, makes you stop for a moment, be mindful and see things with more clarity.

4. Cleanse Your Gut

We consume lots of food day after day, so it’s time once or twice a year to help your gut to cleanse and get rid of all accumulated toxins. Try this simple recipe to cleanse and detox your whole body, a common practise in Baltic countries.

5. Bath To Pamper Your Skin

If you want to have beautiful skin, looking and feeling healthy, even, soft and tight, you can achieve this simply by trying this bath recipe. Soak once a week for instant results, it will also relax your body and mind. 

6. Time For A Facial 

Are you looking for a facial skin care ritual to have healthy and glowing skin? Try this homemade natural face mask once or twice a week and your skin will never look dry, tired or wrinkly.

7. 5 Minute Meeting With Yourself?

Take time to reflect. You can do this by having 5 minute meeting with yourself  once a day. Ask yourself: how are you really doing? A great self care tip from a former monk Jay Shetty. Have a conversation with yourself to reflect, tune in to your emotional awareness and de-clutter your mind after a busy day.

Make Self Care Tips Work For You

Start with one or two tips/ rituals. Implement them and add the rest along the way. They are simple self-care tips transforming you, your wellbeing and your life in the long run.

Tip:  Save this Pin to your Self Care board on Pinterest, so you can come back any time later.

7 Best Self care Tips For Your New Year's Resolution List

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