A Morning Routine To Make You Feel Good & Inspired


A good morning routine sets you up for the day. This is a great opportunity to have some guaranteed ‘me time’ before the day ahead.

Build your personal morning routine by asking yourself ‘how do I want to feel every day?’ and including little rituals & small activities which make you feel better.

It can be anything you want to add to your life, from feeling healthier, less stressed, happier, more focused, motivated and inspired.

Having a plan which brings more meaning to your mornings is truly life transforming in a long run. It can be filled with excitement & fulfilment on a consistent basis.

My first morning routine was created 5 years ago. Before then the beginning of the day wasn’t really ‘my thing’ and I couldn’t understand people who called themselves a ‘morning person’. I found it hard to get up and loved to snooze my alarm for as long as I could. If I could get up at 10.00am I would consider this an early start :), at around 13.00 a late one.

Today I get up at 6.00am, sometimes much earlier than that. You might ask, why such a transformation? I love my morning routine and thanks to her, this has become the favourite part of my day. It’s a wonderful way to prioritise yourself and start your day in a beautiful & inspiring way.

An example of my morning routine

6am – Wake up, stretch and say I will make today a good day 🙂 and get out of the bed. Go to the bathroom, wash your face with cool water, brush your teeth, & comb your hair.

6.05am – Put the kettle on and while it is boiling, open wide windows and balcony doors to let some fresh air in and make your bed.

6.10am – Have a large glass of water or two (room temperature + some boiled water from the kettle) while sitting on the sofa.

6.15am – Journal for 10 minutes. Gratitude – write it down what are you grateful for. For Inspiration have a quote which lifts you up in that moment, write it down and read out loud.

6.25am – Meditate for 5 minutes or longer. Depending on your mood listen to one or two guided meditations, whether is just breathing, grounding, future visualisation or a lift up.

6.30am – Move. Stretch for 10 min by doing your favourite yoga stretch routine, a short workout with your favourite exercises or a dance (pick what motivates you the most).

6.40am – Shower (add some music) to energise yourself.

6.50am – It’s time for your beauty routine. Nourish your skin with creams & lotions. For a final touch add some tinted lip balm and a bit of perfume or perfumed oil. For a minute admire yourself in the mirror (it’s good for your self-esteem:))

7.00am – Make a Peanut Butter- Banana shake. A great source of protein after a yoga stretch or a workout.

7.10am – While having the protein shake watch one motivational video of your choice (Youtube).

7.20am – Get dressed and get moving.

I chose rituals and activities, so the start of my day is filled with energy of Vitality, Uplift, Inspiration & Balance.

So how do you want to feel when you start your day?

How to make your morning routine work

  • No mobile, messages, emails or social media checking. Remember it’s YOUR TIME. The world can wait.
  • Create a routine you love and I promise you it will become addictive and you will be jumping out of your bed!
  • Exercise, learn, listen, read a book, draw, paint, create, visualise or draft a new design for your life, as long as you love it and gives you the feeling you are craving for.
  • There is no time limit for your morning routine. 30, 60, 90 minutes are great, but even less than that is great too.
  • Be consistent.
  • Successful leaders and influencers have a morning routine. You don’t have to be rich or famous to have one too.

Tip:  Save this Pin to your Morning Routine board on Pinterest, so you can come back any time later.

A Morning Routine to make you feel inspired

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The header image in this post is my own. The image I used to create a quote is from Pexels.

This post isn’t sponsored. 




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