Things To Do During Self-Isolation To Thank Yourself For Later


We have all got extra time we might never get again. After chilling a few days or weeks on the sofa, you can decide whether you carry on or make the most of it. Here is the list of things to do during self-isolation to thank yourself for later when life goes back to normal.

#1 Boost Your Productivity. Doing a lot and being constantly busy doesn’t mean that you are productive and you are making progress. It’s a good time to learn how to do more by doing less! Try a free productivity app to help you to prioritise your tasks and do what’s important (I would definitely recommend Trello).

#2 Practise Work/ Life Balance. Bring more balance into your life by making your days less stressful and to feel more at ease.

#3 Do A Life Audit. Now it is an opportunity to reflect on your life before the quarantine. What was working well or not so well? What would you like to keep or change? Do a little life inspection to make positive changes.

#4 Toss Away Bad Habits. We often wait for the right time to give up bad habits. Smoking, drinking, watching too much Netflix, staying up or waking up late, being messy, eating too much sugar or processed/junk food, too much coffee, and zero exercise.

Feeling unfit is hard. Exercise is hard. Choose your hard.

#5 Remove Clutter. Less physical clutter means more space for you. It’s a great way to transform your home, your life and your mental wellbeing. Try once and you will never go back! Here is how I turned my decluttering project into a huge success.

#6 Do Your Paperwork. Organise your paper piles for good. It’s not always fun to do your own admin. Make sure you reward yourself with something nice after.

#7 Start Your Finance Track Sheet. A record of your personal finances will help to keep your life and your finances in order.

#8 Get Things Done Which You Have Been Putting Off. Are there things on your mind or your to-do list, you would be happy to cross out? Visualise how it will feel having it done, this will help you to take action.

#9 Improve Your Diet. Review your diet, try out and add some new easy recipes to your meal planning. Don’t forget to include your favourite superfoods to make you feel better.

#10 Find Your Workout. Find a workout that personally fits you and you are motivated to do. Now is the best time to include exercise into your daily routine, so it can become a new part of your lifestyle.

#11 Home. How would you like your ideal home to look? Cosy, more organised, looking fresh? Just by moving furniture around or some décor, your home can get a fresh look. Experiment, you might surprise yourself!

#12 Self-care. Implement self-care rituals into your daily routine to nourish and flourish yourself – it feels great!

#13 Create A Morning Routine. Start your day with activities you love and which do you good. From meditation, reading, stretching, working out, anything to lift you up and help you to start your day in a positive mood.

#14 Get A Hobby. Apart from going out for dinner or spending money on shopping, what are your hobbies? Get back to your old hobbies like playing the guitar which has been looking at you from the corner of your room or find a new hobby you could do at home.

#15 Improve Your iPhone Photography Skills. If you like taking photos when you are on holiday or in your day-to-day life, no need to spend money on a DSLR camera which is pricey but also heavy to carry around. Instead, improve your iPhone photography skills for better photos.

#16 Collect Ideas For Future Trips. Do you have a destination for your next holiday in mind after the pandemic is over?  Start collecting ideas, and planning a trip, so you will have something to look forward to and it will save you time in the future.

#17 Work On Your Dreams. Have you got ideas and dreams you have been putting off for one reason or another? Starting that drawing, designing that dress or a T-shirt, writing a book or a play, starting a blog or a YouTube channel or creating an Instagram account to share your ideas.

#18 Improve Yourself. What is the ideal you? How do you want to be? It’s time for self-improvement and working on the best version of yourself.

#19 Create A Mood Board. Create a visual mood board by using photos and text to inspire you to create the life of your dreams.


Final Words

I hope you will find the ideas list of things to do during self-isolation to thank yourself for later helpful.

Tip:  Save this Pin to your Wellbeing board on Pinterest, so you can come back any time later.

19 Things to do during self-isolation to thank yourself for later_WP

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The header image and the image I used to create the guide cover is from Pexels. This post isn’t sponsored. 




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